Yes! Teachers are welcome to watch PD videos and accrue Professional Development hours. After watching the videos, your time will be automatically registered and MusicEDU will send you a certificate. (You must watch the videos fully before our system will automatically register your time.)

Steps to view the PD videos:

  1. Log into the MusicEDU website
  2. Select the MusicEDU program from the drop-down menu in the top, righthand side of the page.
  3. Look in the left sidebar and click on Teacher Resources.
  4. Within the Teacher Resources scroll-down menu you will see the PD categories.

Each video series topic is categorized and the PD series topics include:

  • Music Technology PD
  • Curriculum PD
  • Programming PD
  • Student Differentiation PD
  • Video Game PD
  • Music software PD